“How I Met Your Mother” is a popular sitcom aired on CBS from 2005 to 2014. The show follows the life of Ted Mosby and his friends in New York City. The sitcom is known for its unique framing device, where Ted narrates how he met his wife and children in the future. The series is a mix of comedy and drama, focusing on the characters’ relationships. Given the popularity of this sitcom, fans wonder if the show is on Netflix or any other streaming platform. This guide answers all your questions on where and how to watch and stream – How I Met Your Mother.
Is How I Met Your Mother on Netflix?
No, “How I Met Your Mother” is not currently available on Netflix in the United States. All nine seasons of the series were pulled out from Netflix in 2017. Since then, the show is not available to stream in the U.S. Although the specific reasons for this action remain unknown, many believe that licensing rights negotiations between Netflix and 20th Century Fox Television, the distributor of the 2005 series, are to blame.
However, the series is available to stream in other countries like:
- Australia
- Canada
- Germany
- Greece
- Hong Kong
- Hungary
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Philippines
- United Kingdom
- South Africa
- South Korea, among others.
Don’t worry! I won’t let your Netflix subscription go to waste. You can still access the sitcom via a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to connect to a server in one of those countries. Yes, and that’s possible!
To watch “How I Met Your Mother” using a VPN in the US, follow these steps:
- Subscribe to a VPN service like ExpressVPN.
- Download and install the VPN app on your device.
- Connect to a server in a country where “How I Met Your Mother” is available on Netflix, such as Canada or the UK.
- And it’s done! Open Netflix and stream “How I Met Your Mother” using a VPN.
Where To Watch and Stream How I met Your Mother?
How I Met Your Mother is available to watch and stream via Hulu. The nine seasons of the series feature a star cast of Josh Radnor as Ted Mosby, Jason Segel as Marshall Eriksen, Cobie Smulders as Robin Scherbatsky, Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson, Alyson Hannigan as Lily Aldrin, Lyndsy Fonseca as Tracy McConnell, and David Henrie as Luke Mosby. Additionally, Cristin Milioti played the character known as “The Mother” in the series.
Watch How I Met Your Mother Season 1 to 9 streaming via Hulu.
To watch “How I Met Your Mother” on Hulu, you can start a free trial by visiting the Hulu website. Hulu is an inclusive premium streaming service platform offering a wide variety of films, series and shows.
Here are the steps to watch on Hulu:
- Visit the Hulu website and sign up for a free trial. You can choose any plan:
- $7.99 per month or $79.99 per year (With Ads) or
- $14.99 per month (No Ads)
- Search for “How I Met Your Mother” in the Hulu library.
- Start watching the show.
Remember to cancel your subscription before the trial period ends if you don’t want to continue with the service.
Where Else To Watch it Online?
You can also buy or rent individual episodes or seasons of “How I Met Your Mother” on Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, Google Play, Redbox, YouTube, Microsoft, and Apple TV. Each of these vendors provides viewers with the chance to buy HIMYM either by the episode or by the season. Episodes are priced at $1.99 for Standard Definition and $2.99 for High-Definition purchases.
How I Met Your Mother’s official synopsis reads as: “A father recounts to his children – through a series of flashbacks – the journey he and his four best friends took leading up to him meeting their mother.”