Kill Bill is a popular action-packed martial arts film directed by Quentin Tarantino. The film follows the story of a former assassin, known as The Bride, seeking revenge on her ex-colleagues who tried to kill her on her wedding day. Starring Uma Thurman, the movie is known for its stylish action sequences and unique storytelling. If you’re a fan of Kill Bill and want to watch it online, here’s a comprehensive guide to explore all streaming options. Is it on Netflix or Apple TV? What about Peacock? Let’s find out!
Is Kill Bill on Netflix?
No, unfortunately Kill Bill is not currently available on Netflix in the United States.
Where To Watch Kill Bill Online?
While Kill Bill is not available on Netflix, you can still watch and stream the movie online on Peacock and Apple TV Plus. Kill Bill features a talented cast of Uma Thurman as Beatrix “The Bride” Kiddo, Lucy Liu as O-Ren Ishii, Vivica A. Fox as Vernita Green, Daryl Hannah as Elle Driver, David Carradine as Bill, and Michael Madsen as Budd.Â
Watch and Stream Kill Bill On Peacock
“Kill Bill: Volume 1” and “Kill Bill: Volume 2” both are available for streaming on Peacock. Peacock is a popular streaming platform that offers a wide range of movies and TV shows for viewers to enjoy.
To watch “Kill Bill” on Peacock, you can follow these steps:
- Sign Up for Peacock: Create an account on the Peacock platform by visiting their website or downloading the Peacock app on your device.
- Choose a Plan: Peacock offers different subscription plans, including Peacock Free, Peacock Premium, and Peacock Premium Plus. Select the plan that best suits your preferences. New users can opt for a FREE trial on the platform, which lasts seven days.
- Search for “Kill Bill”: Once you have signed up and selected a plan, you can search for “Kill Bill” on the Peacock platform.
- Start Streaming: Click on the movie “Kill Bill” to start streaming it on Peacock.
Watch and Stream Kill Bill on Apple TV Plus
Apple TV Plus is a subscription streaming service that offers a variety of movies and TV shows, including Kill Bill. Launched on November 1, 2019, Apple TV+ provides high-quality content accessible through the Apple TV app and Apple’s website.
To watch Kill Bill on Apple TV Plus, you need to have an active subscription to the service. You can opt for a monthly subscription of $9.99 after a free seven-day trial or inclusion in the Apple One bundle starting at $19.95 per month.
Renting or Buying Kill Bill on Other Platforms
If you don’t have Peacock or an Apple TV Plus subscription, you can still watch Kill Bill by renting or buying it on other platforms. Some of the platforms where you can find Kill Bill include:
- Amazon Video: You can rent it for $3.99 or buy it for $12.99.
- Google Play Movies: You can rent or buy Kill Bill on Google Play Movies.
- YouTube: You can rent or buy Kill Bill on YouTube.
- Vudu: You can rent or buy Kill Bill on Vudu.
- Microsoft Store: You can rent or buy Kill Bill on Microsoft Store.
- AMC on Demand: You can rent Kill Bill on AMC on Demand.
- Spectrum On Demand: You can rent Kill Bill on Spectrum On Demand.
With that said, hope you found this blog informative. For more updates, check out Is 300 on Netflix. Also, check out these top-rated Nicolas Cage movies on Netflix in 2024.