Adventure Time is a popular animated series that follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his adoptive brother Jake, a magical shape-shifting dog, in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. The series is known for its unique blend of humor, fantasy, and adventure, as well as its complex characters and storylines. Due to the immense popularity of this cartoon network series among kids and adults alike, Fans of Adventure Time are always eager to know whether it’s currently streaming on Netflix.
Well, this guide answers all your questions!
Is Adventure Time on Netflix?
No, Adventure Time is not currently available on Netflix in the United States. The show went off from Netflix in 2015 due to Hulu’s agreement with Cartoon Network and obtaining its rights.
But Don’t worry! We won’t let your Netflix subscription go to waste. You can still access the sitcom via a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to connect to a server in one of those countries. Yes, that’s possible!
To watch “Adventure Time” using a VPN in the U.S., follow these steps:
- Subscribe to a VPN service like ExpressVPN.
- Download and install the VPN app on your device.
- Connect to a server in a country where “Adventure Time” is available on Netflix, such as Canada or the U.K.
- It’s done! Open Netflix and stream “Adventure Time” using a VPN.
Where Else To Watch and Stream Adventure Time?
You can watch and stream Adventure Time via Hulu. The four seasons of the series feature the voices of Jeremy Shada, John DiMaggio, and Hynden Walch in the main leads.
To watch “Adventure Time” on Hulu, you can start a free trial by visiting the Hulu website. Hulu is an inclusive premium streaming platform offering various films, series, and shows.
Here are the steps to watch on Hulu:
To watch “Adventure Time” on Hulu, follow these simple steps:
- If haven’ten’t already, visit the Hulu website and sign up for a free trial.
- Search “or “Adventure “ime” in the Hulu library.
- Start watching the show.
Remember to cancel your subscription before the trial period ends if don’ton’t want to continue with the service.
It’s always a treat to revisit the opening theme and relive old memories! Here’s the theme song of Adventure Time! (check below)
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