Hajime no Ippo, a captivating anime series that follows the journey of Ippo Makunouchi as he takes up boxing, is a must-watch for fans of sports anime. Released in 2001, this series stars Kohei Kiyasu, Rikiya Koyama, and Wataru Takagi, and each episode is 24 minutes long. The series has garnered a dedicated fanbase due to its realistic portrayal of boxing, engaging characters, and heartfelt storytelling. Many fans are wondering if Hajime no Ippo is available on Netflix, and in this article, we will cover all the information you need to know about the availability of the show on the streaming platform.
Is Hajime no Ippo on Netflix in the USA?
Yes, Hajime no Ippo is available to watch and stream on Netflix. But, only a portion of the series is accessible. The first 38 episodes of the 76-episode series are currently streaming on Netflix.
How to Watch Hajime no Ippo on Netflix?
To watch Hajime no Ippo on Netflix in the USA, you need to subscribe to Netflix. Follow these simple steps:
- Sign up for Netflix: Open the Netflix app or go to the Netflix website. Now, choose a plan that suits your needs.
- Choose a Netflix subscription plan: Netflix has three plans: The basic plan for $7.99 per month, the standard plan for $10.99 per month, or the premium plan for $13.99 per month.
- Access the series: Once you have a Netflix account, search for “Hajime no Ippo” in the search bar.
That’s it. You can stream the anime series on Netflix.
Hajime no Ippo is a must-watch for fans of sports anime and those who appreciate a good underdog story. While the series is available on Netflix, only a portion of the episodes are currently streaming. Fans can subscribe to Netflix’s plans to access the available content and continue their journey with Ippo and his boxing adventures.
The official synopsis of Hajime No Ippo reads: “Ippo Makunouchi’s gentle spirit and lack of confidence make him an easy target for the bullies at his high school. Rescued from a beating by Takamura, a professional boxer, Ippo aspires to learn the art of boxing and attempts to join the Kamogawa Boxing Club. But, to find his fighter’s spirit, Ippo must first spar with Miyata, an extraordinarily talented and skilled boxer. Can Ippo even survive the first round?”