Beastly, a Netflix original series is a modern adaptation of the classic fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast.” The show follows the story of a young man named Kyle (played by Drew Starkey), who is cursed by a witch and transformed into a hideous creature. To break the curse and regain his human form, he must learn to love and be loved in return.
Beastly: Plot
The series is a reimagining of the classic tale with a modern twist. Kyle, a wealthy and arrogant teenager, is cursed by a witch after he humiliates her. He is transformed into a beast with a grotesque appearance and is forced to live in isolation. To break the curse, he must learn to love and be loved in return.
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Beastly features a talented cast, including Drew Starkey as Kyle, Bella Thorne as Lindy, and Rita Volk as Zahra. The show also stars Alex Lange as Garrett, Kyle’s best friend, and Anika Noni Rose as the witch who cursed Kyle.
Beastly has received mixed reviews from critics. Some praise the show for its unique take on the classic fairy tale and the strong performances from the cast. Others find the series predictable and formulaic, with a lack of depth and complexity.
Watching Beastly on Netflix
To watch Beastly on Netflix, you can sign up for a subscription plan. Netflix offers three plans: Basic ($6.99/month), Standard ($11.99/month), and Premium ($17.99/month). Once you have a subscription, you can access the show and watch it at your own pace.
In conclusion, Beastly is a modern adaptation of the classic fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast” on Netflix. The series follows the story of a young man cursed to be a beast and his journey to break the curse. With a talented cast and mixed reviews, Beastly offers an interesting take on the classic tale.