“Women Kill” is an American dark comedy anthology TV series created by Marc Cherry. It explores the events that culminate in deaths associated with women. The first season, consisting of 10 episodes, premiered on August 15, 2019, on CBS All Access. It tells stories set in different periods. The acclaimed popularity of the series is making everyone curious as to where to stream it online. Is Why Women Kill on Netflix? What about PARAMOUNT+?
Here’s all you need to know.
Is Why Women Kill on Netflix?Â
No, Why Women Kill is not on Netflix. The series first aired on CBS All Access (now called Paramount+), and it wasn’t part of Netflix’s catalog at the time. However, streaming availability can shift over time due to licensing deals and negotiations between production companies and platforms. So it’s advisable to check the current status of official sources.
Directed by Marc Cherry, Why Women Kill is a dark comedy anthology. The main actors in the series include Ginnifer Goodwin as Beth Ann Stanton, Alicia Coppola as Sheila Mosconi, Rob’s subservient wife, and Li Jun Li as Anne, a woman who moves into the house in the 1960s storyline.
Is Why Women Kill On Paramount+? How To Watch It?
“Why Women Kill” is now streaming on Paramount+. To watch “Why Women Kill,” check for Paramount+ subscription plans.
Paramount Plus streaming service offers basic and premium subscription plans to users.
You can watch the series on Paramount Plus by following these steps:
- Go to ParamountPlus.com
- Select ‘Try It Free’
- Now, Choose your plan:
- $5.99 per month or $59.99 per year (Essential)
- $11.99 per month or $199.99 per year (with SHOWTIME)
- Enter your personal information and create your account.
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NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.